Portable CO carbon monoxide Ntes

Lus piav qhia luv luv:

Qauv nab npawb: CTH1000 CTH2000 CTH5000 CTH10000Qualifications: Coal Mine Safety CertificateExplosion-proof CertificateInspection CertificationApplications:Portable CO detector yog ib qho kev nyab xeeb thiab tawg-pov thawj ntsuas thiab yog tsim los tiv thaiv CO.Portable low- detector yog ...

Product Detail

Khoom cim npe

Qauv nab npawb: CTH1000 CTH2000 CTH5000 CTH10000
Kev Tsim Nyog: Coal Mine Safety Certificate
Daim ntawv pov thawj tawg
Kev soj ntsuam daim ntawv pov thawj

Daim ntawv thov:
Portable CO detector yog ib qho kev nyab xeeb thiab tawg-pov thawj ntsuas thiab tsim los tiv thaiv CO.
Portable CO detector yog tus nqi qis, tsis muaj kev saib xyuas tsis muaj roj ib leeg tsim los tiv thaiv cov neeg ua haujlwm los ntawm cov pa roj CO txaus ntshai nyob rau hauv cov xwm txheej hnyav tshaj plaws.Txawm hais tias nws qhov loj me me, lub portable CO detector suav nrog cov yam ntxwv feem ntau pom tsuas yog nyob rau hauv ntau cov roj saib xyuas nrog rau qhov loj, OLED zaub, sab hauv audible / pom lub tswb thiab yooj yim thawb-khawm.
Lub ntsuas ntsuas tsis tu ncua qhia cov roj nyeem hluav taws xob ambient combustible thiab yuav ceeb toom rau tus neeg siv thaum cov roj ntau tshaj qhov preset qis lossis siab.Ntxiv cov yam ntxwv muaj xws li kho lub tswb teeb tsa, ntsuas qhov ntsuas roj, thiab xaiv cov ntawv nyeem nkaus xwb xaiv los ntawm tus neeg siv los ntawm qhov yooj yim, thawb-khawm.Portable CO detector kuj muaj lub ncov / tuav lub ntsej muag los qhia qhov kev nyeem ntawv siab tshaj plaws thaum lub sijhawm ua haujlwm thiab suav nrog qhov tshwj xeeb flip-cap calibration adapter kom ceev thiab yooj yim calibration.Nws yog them los ntawm ob xyoos warranty txij li hnub tsim khoom.
Nws yog siv nyob rau hauv underground thee mine thiab mine kev nyab xeeb kev soj ntsuam feem ntau.Muaj tseeb tiag, nws kuj yog siv rau kev tua hluav taws, qhov chaw kaw, tshuaj lom neeg kev lag luam, roj thiab txhua yam ntawm ib puag ncig uas xav tau los ntsuas cov roj combustible.

Feature Tau txais txiaj ntsig
2-xyoo warranty Txo tus nqi tag nrho ntawm kev ua tswv cuab los ntawm kev muab tag nrho 24 lub hlis lav lav.
Qhov hnyav ntawm 102 g Lub teeb yuag thiab compact loj, tuaj yeem hnav ntawm txoj siv, lub hnab tshos, npog lossis lub kaus mom tawv.
Flip-cap calibration feature Portable CO detector muaj qhov tshwj xeeb, ua hauv calibration adapter kom calibration yooj yim thiab tshem tawm qhov yuav tsum tau mus nrhiav lub khob calibration.
OLED zaub Muab cov zaub tsis tu ncua ntawm qhov tseeb concentration ntawm cov roj combustible nyob rau hauv ib puag ncig ib puag ncig nrog rau cov roj teeb uas tseem tshuav.
Adjustable low and high tswb setpoints Tus neeg siv tuaj yeem teeb tsa lub tshuab kuaj xyuas CO portable kom haum rau ntau daim ntawv thov sib txawv.
High visibility rooj Los ntawm qhov deb, nws cov xim ua rau nws yooj yim rau cov kws tshaj lij kev nyab xeeb kom paub tseeb tias cov neeg ua haujlwm raug tiv thaiv.
5 thib ob ncua kev tiv thaiv kaw Portable CO detector tsis tuaj yeem raug kaw vim tias lub khawm qhib / tawm yuav tsum tau ntxhov siab rau tsib vib nas this.

Technical specification:

Sensors: Electrochemical Sensors (CO)
Ntau yam: CTH 1000: 0 ~ 1000ppm
CTH 2000: 0 ~ 2000ppm
CTH 5000: 0 ~ 5000ppm
CTH 10000: 0 ~ 10000ppm
Qhov tseeb: 1ppm ua
Kev daws teeb meem: 1ppm ua
Hwj chim Source: 1500mAH lithium roj teeb; roj teeb rechargeable
Qhov kub thiab txias: -4 ° F txog 122 ° F (-20 ° C txog 50 ° C) raug
Humidity Range: 0-95% RH raug
Tswb: Adjustable low and high tswb setpoints
Kev tiv thaiv tawg Exib I
Qib tiv thaiv IP54
Qhov Loj: 93mm × 49mm × 22mm
Qhov hnyav: 102g ua


roj teeb, Nqa cov ntaub ntawv thiab ua haujlwm phau ntawv qhia

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  • Sau koj cov lus ntawm no thiab xa tuaj rau peb